Welcome to SugarPlumPosts!

By SugarPlumPosts - 15:55

I was just too eager to start posting that I almost forgot I have coursework and exams to revise for over the next 3 weeks. However, here I am. My first post to introduce myself. I'm Olivia in my third year of undergraduate Law (LLB) at the University of Nottingham. 

Over the past year or so, beauty and make-up have become more of a hobby of mine and I can't walk into Superdrug without emerging with some kind of beauty product... I have been following a few beauty bloggers this past year and decided to set up a blog myself and hopefully I can become part of the huge growing society that is the blogging world. 

I will be posting chatty posts about beauty but also topics which interest me outside of beauty, including knitting projects (of which I am currently working on and getting better!) and books and general lifestyle topics.

I don't plan on posting properly until the exam season is over so, thanks for reading and see you in a few weeks! MERRY CHRISTMAS! And happy revising to all those who have exams/coursework like me.... bleurghh...

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